On May 21, the News Front site published a video fake entitled “The Execution of a Militia Man and His Pregnant Wife, Presumably by the Donbas Battalion.”

The News Front site alleges that the video of the execution by hanging was found on the phone of one of the “chastisers of the Ukrainian battalion, who was terminated by the Popular Militia of the Luhansk Popular Republic.”
A representative of the so-called Luhansk Popular Republic prosecutor’s office announced: “The militia man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was murdered. His late-pregnant wife was also executed by hanging.”

The video of the alleged execution is a fake. One can notice the bad acting, but the main indicator is the unnatural movements of the bodies when lifted. Here it is in slow motion:
A forensic manual outlines what’s wrong in the video.
When being pulled up, the man moves forward. With this, it becomes clear that the body is not hanged by the neck. The body hanged by the neck would move differently, the trunk would be relaxed. They are apparently wearing mountain climbing equipment to support them.

The bodies are poised a little bit forward. However, according to the forensic guide, a body hanged by the neck should look like the following:

The fact that the man in a military uniform in front of them holds their legs in order not to let them turn their backs to the camera also proves that the bodies have another support.