Channel One’s report provided misleading information that the shell, which had killed children on school №63 football, had flown from village Peski, which is controlled by Ukrainian military, Ukrainskaia Pravda reported.
“They hit with mortars and heavy artillery from there,” stated Channel One’s report. Note, that two teenagers playing football were killed by the shell. Four kids were injured.
Ukrainskaia Pravda reported the shell had flown from DPR controlled territory, not from Peski village. This is the conclusion from it’s trajectory analysis.
Facebook page of “Humanitarian Centre “Aid Help” features a picture of a Channel One journalist near the damaged fence of the stadium. There is a building with columns in the background.

The camera in the video report moves to the right, revealing covered bodies of children and their relatives. There is a school in the background.
From it we can determine what side of the school stadium is shown and the direction, from which the shell came.
This is the photo of the place from Google Street View before the reconstruction in 2013 – the building with columns to the left, the school is to the right.
Googlemobile camera was situated on the crossing of Mirgirodskaia and Krasnaia Str.

The territory, from which the shell came is under the control of the gunmen, not Ukrainian military.
Source: Ukrainskaia Pravda.
Antiterrorist Centre and Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council underline that the shell, which exploded school №63 in Donetsk on Wednesday, was not fired from ATO forces territory.
Spot report by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine contradicts this version.