Disenchanted Ukrainians give up on their government, announced RIA Novosti Ukraine. “The latest polls won’t please the Ukrainian powers that be, writes the publication, the rating of the country’s top officials is falling and the level of trust in parliament and the cabinet of ministers is within the margin of error.”

Ukraina.ru, which despite its Ukrainian sounding name belongs to the Russian agency Rossiya Segodnya, announced that Ukrainians’ trust in their government had fallen to 1 percent.
Referencing the results of a poll conducted by the Rating Group agency the Pravdanews.info and informburo declared that only 1 percent trusted the Ukrainian government and parliament, while a mere 3 percent still trusted the president.

The Rating Group Ukraine conducted a poll ordered by the International Republican Institute in June of this year, the results were published in the beginning of July.
Asked do you approve or disapprove of the activities of the president, parliament and cabinet of ministers, respondents could answer fully approve, mostly approve, rather disapprove, fully disapprove, difficult to answer. Russian media presented only a partial picture of the poll results by focusing just on one answer – fully approve.
When the fully approve and mostly approve percentages are combined parliament’s approval rating jumps to 10%, the government’s to 20% and the president’s approval rating becomes 19%.
Reporting on the poll results, the International Republican Institute for their part underscored that 76% of Ukrainians believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, 51% said fighting corruption should be a top government priority and 55% support EU membership for Ukraine.