Attempts to isolate Russia have led to increased Moscow influence in the world and if Russia’s president was isolated at the G20 summit held in Australia last year, Moscow’s influence on the world stage has grown so much, that it is impossible to ignore it, declared Russia’s international broadcaster RT.

RT uses a CNN story entitled “Russian to take center stage at G20 summit” as its source, in which journalist Matthew Chance looks at how Putin is positioning his country on the world stage.
Chance first and foremost talks about Russia’s increased military growth, bombing campaigns in Syria Moscow’s concentration of arms in Crimea and the occupied territories in eastern Ukraine. “Russia appears to have staged a comeback on the global stage, transforming itself to a power a G20 simply can’t ignore. Even if they wanted to» Chance says.
Russia is not on par with the United States, says political analyst Maria Lipman in the CNN story, but it has positioned itself as an important player.

Chance concludes his story by pointing out that Russian concentration of troops and weapons in eastern Ukraine is specifically aimed at the west, lest it forget, what an important player Russia is.