The photo shared online is fake. Several programs for analyzing the image authenticity indicate that the photo was modified or generated by a computer program. In addition, the original source of the photo is an English-language Telegram channel, which is supposedly pro-Ukrainian, but writes approvingly about the «radical right-wing movements flourishing in Ukraine». Moreover, Ukraine imposes a ban on symbols of totalitarian regimes. Using such symbols may lead to criminal and administrative liability.
A photo is being shared on social networks and Russian websites of allegedly Ukrainian soldiers from the Special Operations Forces posing with a swastika flag. «No Nazism in Ukraine, their president is a Jew», «nothing unusual, just a Ukrainian website showing a photo of fighters of the Special Operations Forces with flags», social media users remark ironically. This post is being shared not only in Russian, but also in English. The photo is used as evidence that Nazism is allegedly thriving in Ukraine, which supposedly makes the Russian war against its neighboring state completely justified.

(Screenshot_ Post on FB)
In reality, the photo is fake. Several programs for analyzing the image authenticity indicate that it was modified or generated by a computer program. There is not a single piece of evidence on the Internet to support the authenticity of this photo. In addition, the original source of the photo is an English-language Telegram channel, which is allegedly pro-Ukrainian. Yet at the same time, it writes approvingly about the «radical right-wing movements flourishing in Ukraine»
To verify the authenticity of the image distributed on social networks, we first used the Forensically service, namely the ELA (error level analysis) section. This resource helps to see the modified parts of the image at a microscopic level. It shows the most modified areas in the photo as such details are often lighter than the rest of the image. As a result, we found that the four servicemen in the photo and the background of the image are not parts of the same picture. But the most significant result of the analysis was that the Ukrainian flag with the swastika is fake. The place where the swastika is depicted turned out to be much lighter than the main image. This indicates that the swastika image was simply added to the Ukrainian flag using a photo editor. If the flag was genuine, all its parts would be equally dark and homogenous, as is the case with the Special Operations Forces flag on the left in the photo. Thus, the analysis in Forensically undoubtedly confirms that the swastika was intentionally added to the image.

In addition, checking the photo using the Fake Image Detector resource confirmed the previous findings. According to the results of the check on this site, the photo is highly likely to have been modified or generated by a computer program. This is especially true for the right part of the photo, namely the flag of Ukraine. The changes made are also very clearly visible in the error level analysis tab — ELA.

The original source of this image is the English-language Telegram channel Ukraine Front, which presents itself as pro-Ukrainian. At the same time, the channel publishes approving posts about the far right. which is highly questionable. Thus, the channel discredits both Ukraine as a whole and its Armed Forces, and is most likely part of the Russian propaganda campaign to spread fakes about «Nazism flourishing in Ukraine».

(Screenshot_ + Screenshot_

Moreover, Ukraine imposes both administrative and criminal liability for the propaganda of the symbols of the communist and national socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes. In particular, criminal liability is provided for by Article 436-1 of the Criminal Code for producing and distributing communist or Nazi symbols and propagating these regimes. These offenses are punishable by imprisonment for up to five years. None of the units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces use Nazi symbols.
StopFake continues to refute Russian fakes about so-called Nazism in Ukraine in the articles Fake: German Foreign Minister Baerbock Says Ukraine Turned the Swastika into a Freedom Symbol,Fake: Ukrainian Soldiers in Germany Asked to Refrain from Swastikas and Nazi Salutes, Fake: Lviv Pedestrians Wear Swastika T-Shirts.