Radio “The Voice of Russia” twisted the words of Ukrainian Internal Affair Minister’s Advisor Anton Geraschenko, which were said in Kiev on July 14, during the briefing meeting. There was talk of bodies of two priests, exhumed by Ukrainian public forces. The priests were killed by terrorists for helping Antiterrorist Forces.
There was the following text under the heading «Two priests from Slavyansk killed for assisting self-defense forces»:

This must mean, that:
1. The priests were killed for helping “self-defense forces” (this is the convenient name for pro-Russian separatists commonly used in this site).
2. They were tortured and killed by Ukrainian nationalist, and this is unmistakeable evidence for their savagery that the whole world is supposed to know soon.
The fact, however, is that the Mininster’s Advisor said just the contrary.
Hereunder you can read his exact wording:
“The Minister asked me to tell you about the burial we exhumed. There were bodies of two priests from Slavyansk and two sons of one of them. They were tortured and killed just for helping our soldiers and feeding them. So you, the whole country and the whole world will know about the terrorists’ monstrous savagery”.
These bodies belong to Ruvim and Albert — two sons of the priest of Evangelic church “Metamorphosis” Alexander Pavlenko – and to two deacon of aforementioned church, Victor Brodarsky and Vladimir Velichko.
So-called DNR’s militants arrested them on June 8, during Trinity feasting, and convoyed to the former Ukrainian Security Service Building, which had been occupied by separatists. This information immediately appeared in mass-media, with reference to one of the churchwomen. That was while Girkin-Strelkov, who had been doing military service for Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) was occupying and governing the city.
Besides, according to the lawyer’s Maxim Vasin blog, radio «The Voice of Russia» «pretends that the late priests were from Ukrainian Ortodox Church (of Moscow Patriarchate), which must be natural conclusion of every reader who see the list of “prosecuted representatives of Moscow Patriarchy” just under the photo. This is the angle under which the news was reprinted several times.
Among other “prosecutions” of Ukrainian Ortodox Church they mentioned an arrest of the priest Vladimir Marecky. But they somehow forgot to mention the fact that he was a leader of armed militant group, which was engaged in stealing the bulletins and president elections obstruction in Lugansk region. Then inn the same site “ortodox priest’s kidnapping” is mentioned, without stressing – or even foreshadowing – the fact that the priest in question is archpriest Jury Ivanov, who was kidnapped by pro-Russian separatists.
This fact-tampering didn’t prevent the publishers from far-fetched conclusion on Ukrainian Government’s attempts “on liquidation of Moscow Patriarchy on Ukraine”, writes the blogger.
Our reader is supposed to remember that in December 2013 года Russian President Vladimir Putin founded Federal State Enterprise International news agency «Russia today». This media holding includes broadcasting company “The Voice of Russia” and Russian media agency «News».The chief executive body of the new agency is its general director, who can be appointed or dismissed only by Putin directly. This position was accepted by famous Russian propagandist, linkman of «Weekly news» program on TV-channel “Russia-1″ Dmitry Kiselev.
Many thanks to Maxim Vasin blog.