A fake photo of people marching with a slogan “Death to Russian scums!!! More killings” is being spread around social networks. The photo has the following caption: “While people are dying from missile and air strikes on Donbas, in Kyiv and Artemivsk “peace” marches are held…”

Indeed, January 18, meetings and marches in support of peace on Donbas were held in several cities and towns of Ukraine. This photo, however, has nothing to do with them. This is a fake that repeatedly appeared in the Network as a “proof of fascists atrocities” in Ukraine. In fact, the photo shows the march in Moscow on February 16, 2009 against political assassinations, in memory of the layer Stanislav Markielov and journalist Anastasiya Baburova, killed on January 19, 2009.
The slogan on the photo was forged with Photoshop. The original of the photo has the following slogan: “Your silence is a justification of killings”. And creators of the fake even did not bother to remove in Photoshop the photo of Baburova with an inscription “She died for the freedom of Russia”.
The video, which freeze-frame was used to create this photo fake, is published on the site Grani-TV.