Russian propaganda, using the CNN article, made a manipulative generalization that Poles in general do not want to see Ukrainians in their country anymore. The original source does not talk about the mood in Poland in general, but only covers a rally of the far-right Confederation party, known for its anti-Ukrainian rhetoric. In the parliamentary elections, this party received the lowest result, and a national poll in September 2023 showed that 65% of Poles support the reception of refugees from Ukraine.
Russian media and netizens, citing a CNN article, spread the news that Poles no longer want Ukrainian refugees in their country. It is also reported that anti-Ukrainian parties in Poland have begun to gain more support among the population.

To create the manipulation, propaganda used the CNN article “Poland’s goodwill toward Ukraine is eroding. The far right is taking advantage”. Russian propagandists made manipulative generalizations that Poles in general do not want to see Ukrainians in their country anymore.
In fact, the CNN article covers only one of the pre-election episodes in Poland – a rally of the Confederation party in Lublin on the eve of the election. “Confederation Liberty and Independence” is a coalition of far-right political parties in Poland, registered as a federal political party since 2019. This political force is known for its anti-Ukrainian sentiments and Euroscepticism. It is not surprising that the party’s followers who came to the rally expressed the same rhetoric about Ukrainian refugees when speaking to a CNN journalist. At the same time, even those who spoke to CNN said that they were still confident in Ukraine’s victory and that it was necessary to support Ukraine, but that many problems should be honestly reconsidered. The article itself does not conclude that Poles “no longer want to see Ukrainians in their country.”
One of the latest polls conducted by the CBOS agency in September 2023 shows that 65% of Poles support the reception of refugees from Ukraine in their country. Also, 64% of respondents believe that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a direct threat to Poland’s security. The survey also showed that 41% of Poles supported Ukraine and its people during the Russian invasion.
The Confederation party, which allegedly “began to receive more support,” showed the lowest result in the parliamentary elections, with 18 seats in the parliament. The majority of seats in the Polish parliament went to democratic, pro-European parties, which were supported by 54% of voters.

It is worth noting that Russia is actively promoting the narrative of alleged fatigue with Ukrainian refugees in all countries that have provided asylum to Ukrainians after the full-scale invasion. StopFake refuted such fakes in the materials Fake: Influx of Ukrainian Refugees Caused a Crime Growth in Poland, Fake: Ukrainian Refugees Provoke a Dangerous Disease Outbreak in Rzeszów, Fake: Ukrainian Refugees Robbed Elderly Woman in Poland – Video.