Press service of Luhansk state regional administration presented fake photos of mannequins on the checkpoints of the so-called “LPR” to 112 Ukraine TV-Channel.
Note, July 7 acting in lieu of the head of Luhansk state regional administration Irina Verigina in her phone interview for 112 Ukraine stated she had been informed all mannequins with military uniform were taken from shops in Antratsit. The gunmen used them to show there were many people there.
August 26 the press service of Luhansk state regional administration demonstrated 112 Ukraine the photo evidence of such mannequins on the checkpoints.

Yet, it turned out to be a fake. This photo had been taken by AFP photographer, but before July 7, the date on which according to Irina Verigina the mannequins were taken for the checkpoints. The photo was published on May 31 and consequently used by a number of Ukrainian and international news agencies. It is clear there are real people on the photo. For instance, on June 3 it was used by Segodnia newspaper.

Apparently, it was a real photo that was edited in Photoshop with mannequins masks placed over the people’s faces.