On December 4, the news agency Kryminform reported that the American corporation Microsoft allegedly demanded to relicense its products in Crimea, because it had became the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and licensed software, bought on the territory of Ukraine, could not be used in the other state. “Corresponding e-mails were sent to managers of some Crimean companies, who had bought Microsoft licensed software,” writes Kryminform.

This news was spread by Russian and Ukrainian media: Vzgliad, Rossiyskaya gazeta, UNIAN and others.
However, this information proved to be untruthful. “Information about e-mails from Microsoft demanding to relicense already bought software does not correspond to reality”, informed the Microsoft Corporation to the news agency ITAR-TASS.
The e-mail proposing to license software was sent by the IT company Comparex. It has a reference to a standard e-mail about how to license Microsoft products. “The e-mail (of Microsoft – ed.) is a standard notification about the most advantageous methods of licensing pirate software. Such e-mails are sent throughout all the countries of Microsoft presence”, informed Microsoft officials.