Wednesday, March 5, 2025

GLOBSEC Trends 2018 Central Europe: One region, different perspectives

  • Which Visegrad country favours a neutral position between West and East?
  • Who are the biggest Eurosceptics in the region? Are the young the most pro-European?
  • Which countries are the most satisfied with their EU and NATO membership?
  • Are policies of world leaders recognised by Central Europeans or do they believe in conspiracy theories?
  • What are the trends in public perceptions in the region and what changes occurred within a year?

The answers to these questions and more  can be found in our publication , GLOBSEC Trends 2018 Central Europe: One Region, Different Perspectives.

The report provides an interesting insight into the views and attitudes of Central Europeans concerning  the EU, NATO, geopolitical orientation of their country and their belief in conspiracy theories. The analysis contains data from public opinion polls carried out by GLOBSEC in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

By Dominika Hajdu, Katarína Klingová, Daniel Milo, for GLOBSEC