StopFake journalists were unable to find any such video on the official platforms of the media. Most likely, this video was fabricated. The perpetrators deliberately used the logo of a well-known French media outlet and its design for propaganda purposes.
Propaganda Telegram channels, as well as some users of the social media, are spreading a video with the symbols of the French media outlet 20 minutes, which allegedly states that the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation calls on citizens to ban the “Tetris”, which was invented by a Russian, because this game allegedly “creates a positive image of Russia in the world” and “finances Russian aggression against Ukraine”.

The video spread online features the logo of the French media outlet 20 minutes. The video’s design and style also bear a marked resemblance to videos posted by 20 minutes on its social media channels. However, StopFake journalists have not been able to find any similar videos on the newspaper’s website or on their official Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages. Most likely, this video was fabricated. The attackers deliberately used the logo of a well-known French media outlet and its design for propaganda purposes.
Moreover, the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine did not make such statements on its official platforms either. The statement that by playing Tetris, users are allegedly “financing Russian aggression against Ukraine” is even more absurd. The fact is that the licensor of the Tetris trademark is the American company Tetris Company, Inc.
This is not the first time that perpetrators have stylized their propaganda videos to look like reports from well-known world media. For example, StopFake journalists have repeatedly refuted similar “reports” created in this way in pieces Fake: Ukrainians Сriticize Passengers of Sunken Titan Bathyscraper Says Al Jazeera, Fake: BBC Video Proves that Kramatorsk was Shelled by Ukrainian Army, Fake: Ukrainian Football Fans Detained in Qatar for Nazi Propaganda, Fake: EU Releases Video on Why Ukraine Should Not Become a NATO Member.