The video completely distorts the real circumstances of the incident. In reality, the law enforcement officers interrogated a foreigner who was filming the aftermath of the attack and appeared suspicious to a passerby. However, the information that he was an artillery observer was not confirmed.

Pro-Russian sources are spreading information about Ukraine’s Security Service detaining a young man who filmed the attack on Okhmatdyt. Propagandists alleged that the reason for the arrest is that the man captured how it was actually an «American» missile to hit the building of the children’s hospital – as Russia tried to claim after the hit, which was immediately refuted with numerous video evidence. Thus, agitprop once again accused Ukraine of fabricating an attack with the aim of disrupting the peace talks. We have already explained why it is completely untrue in the article Fake: Children’s Hospital Okhmatdyt Hit By Ukrainian Missile

Screenshot — Telegram

However, the propagandists completely distorted the facts about the detention of the foreigner, which took place shortly after the attack on Okhmatdyt. The man appeared suspicious to passers-by as he filmed the aftermath of the attack on the children’s hospital and ignored their questions, even though he spoke Russian. The law enforcement officers detained the man to check whether he was an artillery observer — but this turned out to be wrong.

«The team took this person to the police headquarters, where the officers, together with the Security Service employees, tested this person, checked them by technical and other means. This information has not been confirmed,» Dmytro Shumeyko, head of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kyiv, said on the air of the telethon.

Neither the National Police nor the Security Service reported the detention of any other suspicious citizens in connection with the attack on Okhmatdyt.
Read another refutation of the fake on the topic of the Russian missile attack on the main children’s hospital in Kyiv in the article Manipulation: Germany Planned to Take in Children from Okhmadyt Before the Hospital Strike.