The propagandists multiplied the real data by 10: in fact, the national debt amounts to 97% of the GDP.
Pro-Russian sources report that by the end of next year, Ukraine’s public debt will reach more than 1,000% of GDP. «They galloped normally on the Maidan» – the propagandists sneer at this topic.

However, the propagandists not only exaggerated the figure of the national debt by 10 times, but also completely ignored the context of the original news. In fact, the announcement of the Ministry of Finance talked about the reduction of external debt from 100.5% to 97% of GDP in 2025, that is, about the positive dynamics of this indicator. In total, external and internal state debt will amount to UAH 8.2 trillion.
«Of course, this is a significant indicator. But we must not forget that we are a country at war. Therefore, at the current stage, the issue of debts is only in the context of the possibility of servicing and repaying them in the short term,» Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko explained at a briefing at the Ukraine Media Center. «Thanks to successful negotiations with creditors, in the near future payments for repayment and maintenance of the state debt will be minimal,» he assured. Marchenko also reminded that Ukraine recently successfully implemented debt restructuring, due to which it was possible to write off more than 40% of debts.
Moreover, such a high indicator is not uncommon even in countries with developed economies that are not at war. Thus, the national debt of France, Belgium, and Great Britain is 112%, 105%, and 104% of GDP, respectively, and in Japan this percentage reaches 254% (data for 2022).
Read the refutation of another fake on the topic of the economy in the article Manipulation: Pentagon Will Not Be Able to Use $5.8 Billion Allocated for Aid to Ukraine by the End of Fiscal Year.