The Russian media recently spread false reports about the first issue of a Ukrainian version of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. Ria Novosti was the first to publish the information.
The news agency referred to a post by Francois Anglanda on Facebook. It was stated in his profile that he is a prepress specialist at Charlie Hebdo. There is also an image of “the first cover page of the Ukrainian newspaper.” It is of a caricature of Petro Poroshenko, Igor Kolomoisky, and Mustafa Nayem.
The profile account referenced by the Ria Novosti has since been removed.

Ukrainskaya Pravda discovered that the photo published by “Francois Anglanda” was taken from the Russian social network VKontakte and from the page of a certain Maxim Orach, who has no connection to the Charlie Hebdo publication.

The cover page of the alleged new journal had basic Ukrainian-language grammatical mistakes. For example, there is a reduction “стр,” instead of the Ukrainian “стор” (for сторінка). There is also incorrectly translated Russian – instead of “рейдерське захоплення,” we see “рейдерський захват.”

Ukrainskaya Pravda also reported that there are no records of Charlie Hebdo in the State Register of Printed Media in Ukraine.
Sources: Meduza, Ukrainska Pravda.