The policy in question will not apply to Ukrainians. On the contrary, Sweden recently simplified the procedure for obtaining a permanent residence permit and a personal number for citizens of Ukraine.
“Europeans are fed up with Ukrainians” — such loud statements accompany the propagandist reports that Sweden will allegedly pay citizens of Ukraine 30,000 euros each for voluntary return home.

However, this news is manipulative. Indeed, Sweden is discussing increasing the grant for the voluntary return of migrants to their homeland from 3,500 to 30,000 euros. This proposal was made by the Swedish Minister of Migration and Asylum Jonah Forsell. The innovation may come into effect from 2026. The government expects that such an opportunity will be useful for migrants who rely on social support from the state due to unemployment or low income. However, it is impossible to receive this grant if you are from Ukraine and are in Sweden on the basis of the Directive on temporary protection, which is indicated on the website of the country’s Migration Service. Therefore, the decision of the Swedish government will not affect the status of Ukrainians in the country.
On the contrary, Sweden recently simplified the procedure for obtaining a permanent residence permit and a personal number for citizens of Ukraine. Having a personal number makes it much easier for a person to interact with banks, state bodies, medical institutions and other social institutions. In addition, Ukrainians will receive expanded access to medical care, the right to participate in the state employment program and a number of other benefits. Thus, statements that Sweden seeks to get rid of Ukrainian refugees at any cost are groundless and inconsistent with state policy. As of July 2024, there are more than 56,000 Ukrainian immigrants in Sweden.
Read the refutation of a similar fake on the topic of Ukrainians in Europe in the article Fake: Ukrainian Refugee Shot a Christian Icon in Zurich.