Russian sites disseminate false information alleging that the Russian Soldiers’ Mothers Committees in St. Petersburg, Pskov and Kostroma has recently received American grants and now they have to lie about what is happening in Russia and in the eastern Ukraine.
Some picture, which is said to be a screenshot of American charitable foundation National Endowment for Democracy website, appeared in Facebook.

You can see on this picture the information about three grants for $85 000, $25 000 and $26 000, allegedly received by the Russian Soldiers’ Mothers Committees in St. Petersburg, Pskov and Kostroma.
“Kostroma, Pskov, St. Petersburg. You can see at once home stations of dead Twitter troopers”, writes a Facebook user, who posted this picture.
This screenshot was published by several Russian websites under a title “Soldiers’ Mothers got caught with American grants” and with a following comment: “It seems that it was this non-profit organization that made a list of 400 troopers for Dozhd”.

However, the American foundation NED did not issue any grants to the Russian Soldiers’ Mothers Committees in this year and at least in the previous two years. You could find confirmation on the real Internet site of this organization.

Let us remember that the Soldiers’ Mothers Committees in Stavropol Territory made a list of 400 dead and wounded Russian soldiers. Its chairwoman Liudmila Bogatenkova informed about this TV channel Dozhd.
According to approximate estimation of Valentina Melnikova, an executive secretary of the Union of the Russian Soldiers’ Mothers Committees, from 10 to 14 thousand of Russian soldiers are now in Ukraine. She said this in the interview to Die Tageszeitung.