Neither The Wall Street Journal nor any other reputable news source published such a story. The journalist’s quote in the video is also fictional.

Pro-Russian sources report that the Pentagon is once again demanding that Ukraine provide detailed information on each unit of American weapons that was transferred to the Armed Forces. Ukraine apparently has only 20 days to prepare the document. The video even  «quotes» Warren Strobel, The Wall Street Journal author, who allegedly considers this demand related to the domestic political situation in the US, namely with the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. This incident allegedly guarantees Trump victory in the elections, and with his inauguration, military support to Ukraine will stop. The video also speculates that American weapons from Ukraine may end up on the black market and in the hands of terrorists, which is why the Pentagon wants to conduct an audit as soon as possible.

Screenshot — Telegram

However, this story is completely made up. The video was not published on The Wall Street  Journal website or social networks. Such news is not found on the website of the US Defense Ministry either. Warren Strobel is active on X (Twitter), but he also did not publish such news — instead, the journalist often shares information exposing Russian propaganda and war crimes, as well as the detention of independent journalists in Russia. Therefore, the information about the Pentagon’s demand to conduct an audit of all American weapons within 20 days is unreliable.Groundless accusations of Ukraine smuggling weapons obtained from Western partners onto the black market are a standard tactic of Russian propaganda. More on this topic — in the stories Fake: Israel Accused Ukraine of Stealing and Reselling Arms and Fake: Europol Records Cases of Weapons Smuggled from Ukraine.