The owner of the billboard, Clear Channel Outdoors, told Reuters that the ad in the video is fake.
“Israel has pushed Ukraine off the billboard,” is the headline under which some netizens, as well as pro-Russian Telegram channels, are sharing a video of an outdoor advertisement allegedly placed in New York. It shows the message “Stand with Ukraine” being replaced by “Stand with Israel” and the flag of Israel appearing instead of the Ukrainian flag.
“Outdoor advertising of the Ukrainian flag is being replaced by advertising of the Israeli flag as fast as the priorities of Western propaganda are changing,” numerous posts say.

Some netizens managed to geolocate the place. The building in the video is located in Manhattan, New York (200 W 50th St, New York). However, such outdoor advertising has never appeared there.
Reuters journalists asked the owners of the advertising screen, Clear Channel Outdoors, for a comment, and a representative of the company said that the advertisement shown in the video was fake.

The BBC journalist Shayan Sardarizadeh also claims that the video is fake. He asked his subscribers from New York to send him actual videos and photos of the billboard. In the videos he received, the journalist did not find any such advertisement. Moreover, this billboard is currently broadcasting an advertisement for the cartoon “Trolls”, the banner of which can also be seen in the spread video-fake.
Earlier, StopFake refuted similar disinformation in the piece “Video Fake: Times Square shows offensive ‘video greeting’ to Zelenskyy’s arrival in USA“.