Since the full-scale invasion began, the orchestra has been on foreign tours sanctioned by the Culture Ministry, thus popularizing Ukrainian culture.

«The entire Kyiv Symphony Orchestra fled abroad in order to seek asylum there», claim pro-Russian sources.

Propagandists write that the musicians left Ukraine to participate in a cultural festival, but decided not to return. Instead, they got housing in the German city of Monheim am Rhein. It is also noted in the publications that two-thirds of the orchestra consists of men of conscript age — such statistics are unavailable anywhere else online. Most likey, the propagandists simply made it up to sensationalize the news.

Screenshot — Telegram

However, this news is not true. In reality, the orchestra has been on tour abroad absolutely legally since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. The tour was authorized by the Defense Ministry, the Culture and Information Policy Ministry and the State Agency for Arts and Art Education, whom the orchestra thanked on its official website.

The musicians explained their desire to continue concert activities abroad as follows:  «Ukrainian musicians must become the voice of Ukraine and the voice of those Ukrainians who, due to Russia’s military aggression, no longer have it. For all of them, we have to protect and spread Ukrainian culture, encouraging people all over the world to hear about brave Ukrainians fighting for peace for the whole of Europe. To cherish people whose lives became an irreparable price for freedom. To help us military in order to avert future losses, shorten the Russian war and bring Ukraine victory soonest.» The program of the Voice of Ukraine tour introduced European audiences to Ukrainian orchestral music from its beginnings in the 1770s to the masterpieces of the 20th century.

This Russian fake was inspired by the news that the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra received a three-year residency in the German city of Monheim am Rhein. The author of the initiative, Martin Witkowski, explained that the desire to invite musicians is not caused by mere sympathy for the war in Ukraine, but with the good reputation of the team, whose musicians have excellent education and are true professionals. The orchestra director Oleksandr Zaitsev also noted that the ensemble registered an official business trip in accordance with the current legislation in order to defend the interests of Ukraine and represent the national culture abroad: «It was during the official reception of the orchestra in the Bundestag that a historic vote was held on to provide Ukraine with heavy weapons in April in 2022. The orchestra gave an exclusive solo concert on June 29, 2022 at the NATO Summit at the Prado National Museum in Madrid in front of the presidents of all NATO countries and Alliance partner countries.» Thus, the report that the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra «fled» abroad in order to obtain asylum is another manipulation of Russian propaganda.

We refuted another disinformation about Ukrainians abroad in the article Fake: French Companies Test Cosmetics on Ukrainian Refugees — BFM TV.