A representative of the Northern Cemetery, where the video was shot, denied the information. According to him, the video shows civilian burials, while flags on military graves remain.
In pro-Russian sources, a video shot at the Northern Cemetery in the Kyiv region is circulating. The man shows the alleged burial of soldiers and says that Ukrainian flags were standing there recently, but were removed by order of the administration. He assumes that the reason for such a decision is the desire of the authorities to hide the real number of dead.

However, this report is not true. In the comments on the TikTok account that first shared the video, users pointed out that the man was filming the tombstones from behind so that the inscriptions on them could not be seen, and that many of the graves looked quite old and could hardly be recent military burials. This was confirmed to us by the administration of the Northern Cemetery. According to him, the cemetery does not have a separate section with burials of military personnel at all. This graveyard is mainly civilian, and the fallen soldiers are buried next to their relatives and, at their request, flags of Ukraine are placed on the graves. The employee of the Northern Cemetery also noted that there are no military burials in the area recorded on the video. So, this is another fabrication by Russian propaganda, designed to demoralize Ukrainian military personnel and their families.
Similar disinformation was previously refuted in the article Fake: Ukrainian Servicemen Will Lose Their Payments.