Pro-Kremlin media and media operating in the occupied territories of eastern Ukraine launched another fake about an “impending provocation“ Ukraine was allegedly planning on the eve of the Ukraine-Russia Normandy Format talks with the participation of the leaders of Ukraine, France, Russia, and Germany in Paris on Monday, December 9. The Ukrainian military would try to destabilize the situation in occupied Donbas in order to disrupt the talks. The source for this fake story is, of course, anonymous, an alleged contract Ukrainian soldier who transmitted this “impending provocation” warning to the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic Prosecutor General’s hot-line.

The People’s Police of the other self-proclaimed republic – Donetsk, issued the same warning with the added claim that Ukraine was moving heavy military equipment closer to the contact line between Ukraine and occupied territories.
Anonymous sources and claims of Ukrainian provocations are a pro-Kremlin media tried and true way of causing alarm and raising panic. It has been in constant use since the Russia-Ukraine war began in 2014.

The Ukrainian military’s daily roundups record daily cease fire violations by the Russian occupation forces.
In turn, the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine also issues daily reports of cease fire violations and the presence of banned weapons in the war zone. To various degrees, such violations are recorded on both sides.
Meanwhile Ukraine’s military have advised that according to recent field intelligence, Russian occupying forces are increasing the combat capacity in both the Luhansk and Donetsk occupied regions, noting also that additional sniper groups and Special Forces are on the move. They are in full military readiness.