Instead of Hungarians, propagandist sources actually wrote about the Rusyns, one of the ethnic groups populating the Eastern Carpathians. However, no such statements were made by either Hungarians or Rusyns. The claims by Petro Getsko, who is wanted internationally for violating Ukrainian territorial integrity, do not represent the position of the Carpathian Rusyns. The ‘Carpatho-Rusyn Nation’ noted that they do not support any of Getko’s appeals and condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
The Russian media launched another fake story about Ukraine disintegrating and its residents willing to join neighboring countries. This time, propaganda alleged that Ukrainians of Hungarian origin appealed to Budapest for protection from the Ukrainian genocide and started preparing a referendum to annex their compact residence areas to Hungary. In reality the content of the news itself indicates that such a statement is being spread on behalf of the Carpathian Rusyns. In particular, it references the Carpathian Rus allegedly being proclaimed in western regions of Ukraine.

Fakes about Ukrainians requesting to separate from the country are among the most popular stories spread by Russia. They serve to support the Kremlin’s narrative that Ukraine will soon disintegrate and be divided between Western countries.
In reality, statements about Hungarians living in Ukraine appealing for protection from Ukrainian genocide are completely made up. The first indication of this is the source of such claims. That is Petro Getsko, who in the news was introduced as ‘the head of the international center ‘Mother of the Rusyns’. On behalf of his organization, Getsko declares that Rusyns officially support the Russian leadership in Ukraine, and suggests turning Western Ukraine into Carpathian Rus.
In reality, Getsko does not represent the interests of Rusyns in Ukraine. He was declared wanted in 2014 and is currently residing in Russia. In 2019, the court found him guilty of committing actions aimed at violently changing or overthrowing the constitutional order or seizing state power, violating Ukrainian territorial integrity and high treason, and sentenced him to 12 years in prison.
‘The separatist campaigned for decisions that threaten the constitutional order and territorial integrity of our country. In particular, he actively sought help in his subversive activities among various Russian organizations and was a frequent guest of the Russian media,’ the Ukrainian Security Service notes.
In addition, even as Russia’s full-scale invasion into Ukraine began, the Carpathian Rusyns made a statement condemning any of Peter Getsko’ appeals. They claimed that his words bear no legitimacy, since ‘Peter Getsko has no authority and support among our national minority in Ukraine.’
‘We, Carpathian Ruthenians of Ukraine fully support our President Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the Ukrainian Armed Forces (where many Ruthenians serve) and condemn any illegal aggression against Ukraine. We express our solidarity with the Ukrainian people and support Ukrainian territorial integrity’ the Carpatho Rusyn Nation community stated.

Previously, StopFake refuted the claim about Transcarpathia Rusyns allegedly demanding autonomy. The source of this fake was also Petro Getsko.