Various websites and social networks have falsely reported that former U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul Henry O’Neill had recently spoken out against the “coup d’etat” in Ukraine.

They reported that he: “addressed Ukrainians and provided an exhaustive analysis of all the reasons and purposes of the coup d’etat in Ukraine and dispelled the myth about ‘democratization’ and ‘the revolution of dignity.’”
In the article, Ukraine is referred to as the “outskirts of Russia.”
O’Neill, who is supposedly the author of the article, was Treasury Secretary for two years under George W. Bush.
Several websites provide a German article as the source.

But the author was actually a certain Henry Paul, who posted it on the German website of Contra Magazine, a publication renowned for fake news. It was not Secretary O’Neill.

The article has already been removed from the website, but has remained in the web archive.