Multiple Russian websites, including that of Komsomolskaya Pravda (Eng: Komsomol Truth), informed of a scandal in Ukraine; allegedly, there was a disappearance of donations that had been made for the families and relatives of the Heavenly Hundred. (This is how Euro-Maidan victims are called in Kiev.)
The given information is also spreading through social media networks. The authors refer to documents and statements of an MP of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, Volodymyr Ariev. According to a statement of his, he was approached by leaders of the Maidan, who claimed that Community Foundation “Pryirpinnya” executed a questionable manipulation of funds, which were received by them from all over Ukraine.
According to the leaders, the fund director, Anastasia Popsuy, supposedly left only 40 UAH on the balance, out of a collected 52 million UAH.

However, the fund management has denied this information, and has provided proof that the fund’s balance is positive. Furthermore, the fund management has disclosed expenditures made using the donations.
Presently, the balance of the fund (established for the support of the “Heavenly Hundred” families) is 42.5 million UAH. The last payment was made out on 28 May, 2014, in the amount of 100 thousand UAH, to one of the Kiev families. As of 28 May, 2014, there have been payments made to 57 families in total, in the amount of 5,565,307.97 UAH (plus 863, 704.08 in taxes); a further 8,290,686 was spent on medical treatment of wounded. A monthly audit of the account is conducted by the audit company A&Y.