Propaganda faked a screenshot with news about Bild journalist Jeanne Plaumann’s death. In the comment to StopFake, she personally confirmed that she was alive and well.
Social media users and pro-Kremlin Telegram channels are spreading information that Jeanne Plaumann, a journalist from German media BILD, died after publishing her story about Ukraine’s military operation in the Kursk region. Propaganda ironically calls it a «boomerang» because she allegedly made a reference to the Second World War in the title of her text — «German tanks again in Russia». Propaganda also attached a screenshot of BILD, which reports on her «death».

Screenshot —

Screenshot of Medved Telegram channel
«It is with deep regret that we have to announce that the editorial office of the BILD newspaper has lost a valuable employee, Jeanne Plaumann. Jeanne Plaumann wrote about foreign policy for BILD. In 2020, she joined BILD-Politics as an independent writer. Since 2021, she has been a permanent editor. What happened was a big shock for the entire editorial staff of BILD. Jeanne Plaumann died of acute heart failure. The editors of BILD express their deepest condolences,» the fake screenshot claims.
StopFake decided to check whether the journalist Jeanne Plaumann really died after writing a story about the Ukrainian military operation in Russia. As it turned out, the news was a hoax.
The screenshot from BILD’s website reporting on the journalist’s death is fake. The obituary of Jeanne Plaumann is supposed to be placed in the Authors section. StopFake visited her page in this section on August 19, but did not find the aforementioned publication there.

Fake screenshot of the BILD site

Screenshot of the BILD site
StopFake reached out to Plaumann via her personal email to verify the information. The journalist answered almost immediately, refuted the propaganda information and confirmed that she is «alive and well.»

Screenshot of Zhanna Plaumann’s answer
Moreover, as mentioned above, propaganda calls the «death» of Jeanne Plaumann a «boomerang» because she allegedly made a reference to the Second World War in the headline of her story — «German tanks again in Russia». But this information is also fake because its article is in fact called «In Russia! Ukrainians are advancing with German tanks (In Russland! Ukrainianer rücken mit deutschen Panzern vor)».
Earlier, StopFake refuted the information that the «best sniper» of France was allegedly killed in Ukraine.