Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Truthers Against Tragedy: How Kremlin Fans Are Trying To Discredit the MH17 Investigation On...

By Vitalii Rybak, for UkraineWorld Russia is using disinfo networks on Twitter to discredit the tribunal prosecuting those accused of being responsible for the MH17...

Americans who rely on social media or word of mouth for news are the...

By Sarah Scire, NiemanLab In 2016, there were more non-voters than voters who cast ballots for either Democrats or Republicans. Who will sit out again...

What Makes Fake News Feel True When It Isn’t? For One Thing, Hearing It...

By Laura Hazard Owen, for NiemanLab “The more often participants had heard a statement, the more likely they were to attribute it to Consumer Reports...

Exposure to social engagement metrics increases vulnerability to misinformation

By Mihai Avram, Nicholas Micallef, Sameer Patil, Filippo Menczer, for Misinformation Review, Harward Kennedy School News feeds in virtually all social media platforms include engagement...

An Army of Trolls Pushing the Russian Narrative on MH17: Who Are They?

By Jan van Dijk and Robert van der Noordaa, for UkraineWorld Co-authors: Valentyna Bykova, Yuriy Diachenko, Valeriy Pan’ko, Ivanna Vlasiuk, Tetiana Hyrina The army of trolls pushing...

A digital media literacy intervention increases discernment between mainstream and false news in the...

By Andrew M. Guess, Michael Lerner, Benjamin Lyons, Jacob M. Montgomery, Brendan Nyhan, Jason Reifler, and Neelanjan Sircar, for PNAS Read PDF here. PNAS first published June 22, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.192049811 Edited by David G. Rand,...

Four experts investigate how the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory began

By Wasim Ahmed, Joseph Downing, Marc Tuters, Peter Knight, for The Conversation In times of crisis conspiracy theories can spread as fast as a virus. As...

New study looks at the role of pro-Kremlin bots in spreading disinformation about COVID-19

By NATO StratCom COE Download publication file (8.83 MB) New quarterly Robotrolling report has been published, delving into the role of pro-Kremlin bots in spreading disinformation about COVID-19 throughout March....

New reports focus on Western Balkan information environment

By NATO StratCom COE We have published three new reports with a focus on Russia's footprint in the Western Balkan information environment. The scope of analysis...

Americans struggle to navigate COVID-19 “infodemic”

By JEJeffrey M.Jones, for Knight Foundation The novel coronavirus pandemic has spawned what the World Health Organization is calling an “infodemic,” an overabundance of information —...