Monday, March 3, 2025


GLOBSEC Trends: Central Europe under the fire of propaganda

GLOBSEC Policy Institute (formerly the Central European Policy Institute) carries out research, analytical and communication activities related to Russia‘s efforts to increase its influence in...

Mechanisms of Influence of the Russian Federation into Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic

In European Values' latest paper Jakub Janda and Ondřej Kundra have written on the topic of the current state of influence of the Russian...

How to Stop Disinformation: Lessons from Ukraine for the Wider World

The latest 'Beyond Propaganda' paper looks at Ukraine as a laboratory of information war. Authored by Marina Pesenti and Peter Pomerantsev, this publication examines...

Factual Entertainment: How to make media literacy popular

By Paul Copeland BEYOND PROPAGANDA | AUGUST 2016 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The age of information has mutated into the age of disinformation. Authoritarian rulers have learnt to entrench their...

Research Report: Analysis of Manipulation Techniques on Selected Czech Websites

By Miloš Gregor ([email protected]), Petra Vejvodová ([email protected]) Abstract: The aim of the analysis was to establish whether, and if so to what extent, manipulative propaganda techniques are...

MH17 – The Open Source Investigation, Two Years Later

  Today Bellingcat releases its latest report, “MH17 – The Open Source Investigation, Two Years Later”, bringing together two years of research by Bellingcat into...

The Russian “Firehose of falsehood” propaganda model: why It might work and options to...

Since its 2008 incursion into Georgia (if not before), there has been a remarkable evolution in Russia's approach to propaganda. The country has effectively...

Isolation and Propaganda: The Roots and Instruments of Russia’s Information Campaign

The DGAP's Stefan Meister develops for Washington's Transatlantic Academy the topic of Russia's “soft,” non-military influence on the post-Soviet sphere and the European Union....

The “Return of Stalin”: Understanding the Surge of Historical Politics in Russia

(PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo) At the beginning of this year, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov published an article in Russia in Global Affairs explaining the...

Fog of Falsehood: Russian Strategy of Deception and the Conflict in Ukraine

  Published 10.5.2016 Katri Pynnöniemi & András Rácz (eds.) The Finnish Institute of International Affairs Download PDF (1.24 Mb) This report analyses Russian propaganda and disinformation – here collectively...