Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Propaganda, Disinformation and Fake News: What We Can Learn From Studies on Citizens’ Awareness...

By Dariya Orlova, PhD (Mohyla School of Journalism/StopFake Research Director) The proliferation of discourse about propaganda and fake news from predominantly professional debates to the...

Anatomy of an online misinformation network

By Chengcheng Shao, Pik-Mai Hui, Lei Wang, Xinwen Jiang, Alessandro Flammini, Filippo Menczer, Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia, for PLOS One Abstract Massive amounts of fake news and conspiratorial content have spread over social media...

Russian Social Media Influence: Understanding Russian Propaganda in Eastern Europe

By Todd C. Helmus, Elizabeth Bodine-Baron, Andrew Radin, Madeline Magnuson, Joshua Mendelsohn, William Marcellino, Andriy Bega, Zev Winkelman, for RAND A RAND Corporation study examined Russian-language content on social media and the broader...

Kremlin-friendly election observers from Europe and US at the presidential elections in Russia, March...

By European Platform for Democratic elections Executive summary 1513 foreign electoral observers monitored the Russian 2018 presidential election which constitutes the largest foreign electoral monitoring mission...

VENCISLAV THE VIRGIN: hostile operation by Vencislav Bujić, SEAS Foundation and its network of...

The PDF of project is here. Here is the next CEAS case study “VENCISLAV THE VIRGIN - From fake CEAS through pro-Kremlin mercenaries in Ukraine...

Democratic Defense Against Disinformation

By Daniel Fried and Alina Polyakova, for Atlantic Counsil Read the Publication (PDF) “The Russians and other purveyors of disinformation will constantly improve their tactics; our...

Fake News: A Roadmap’

By NATO Stratcom Centre of Excellence Download publication file (6.31 MB) Fifteen MA students studying strategic communications within the Department of War Studies have collaborated with...

Propaganda and disinformation in the Western Balkans: How the EU can counter Russia’s information...

By Sophie Eisentraut, Stephanie de Leon, for Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Download PDF In recent years, Russia has ramped up its influence operations in the Western Balkans....

Measuring the reach of “fake news” and online disinformation in Europe

By Reuters Institute In this factsheet by Richard Fletcher, Alessio Cornia, Lucas Graves and Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, we provide top-level usage statistics for the most...

American views: Trust, media and democracy

By Knight Foundation Technological advances have made it easier for Americans to connect with each other and to find information, including details about the major...