Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Perceived accuracy and bias in the news media

By Knight Foundation Download the PDF Gallup and Knight Foundation’s 2017 Survey on Trust, Media and Democracy found that Americans believe the news media have a...

Elections are coming. So is a troll army

Source: PAP / WSJ / Business Insider / own information It is already certain. Before planned for November US Congress elections, the increased activity of...

They don’t trust media – and spread disinformation

Source: / KNIGHT Foundation / own information The level of trust in media decreases – shows Knight Foundation and Gallup’s report about misinformation and...

Distinguishing between factual and opinion statements in the news

The politically aware, digitally savvy and those more trusting of the news media fare better; Republicans and Democrats both influenced by political appeal of...

Internet users fed up with fake news

Source: Reuters Institute / BBC Fewer and fewer people use Facebook as the source of information and the platform to discuss them. The reason is...

Disinformation Resilience in Central and Eastern Europe

By Ukrainian Prism Download the publication The countries of Eastern and Central Europe have become Russia’s test field for new propaganda methods, and the regions of...

Robotrolling 2018/2

By NATO Stratcom Centre of Excellence New Robotrolling report by NATO StratCom COE shows a surge in anonymous Twitter posts about NATO activity in the...

GLOBSEC Trends 2018 Central Europe: One region, different perspectives

By Dominika Hajdu, Katarína Klingová, Daniel Milo, for GLOBSEC Which Visegrad country favours a neutral position between West and East? Who...

When the Russkiy Mir and the Spanish-speaking world meet: RT and Sputnik in Spanish

By Nicolás de Pedro and Daniel Iriarte, for Barcelona Centre for International Affairs Download As a critical element of a multidimensional political warfare scheme, disinformation represents...

Anti-Western propaganda, 2017

By  the Media Development Foundation (MDF), Myth Detector This report is the analysis of the results of a-year-long monitoring conducted by the Media Development Foundation (MDF) throughout 2017....