Saturday, March 15, 2025


This article represents personal opinions of the author. Stopfake editors may not share this opinion.

Russian military expert came up with arguments for the presence of Russian special forces...

Russian military expert Pavel Felgengauer is certain that disorders on the East of Ukraine are guided by soldiers of Russian special forces. He reasoned...

Tit-for-Tat: Putin’s Maddening Propaganda Trick

How the Russian leader is driving U.S. officials crazy with his "I know you are but what am I?" technique By now Vladimir Putin’s...

Likbez* from the Russian journalist: how media “created” the banderovets**

Anyone can fall into the trap of artificial reality or become part of its creation. However, it is happening for the first time on...

Russian Fiction the Sequel: 10 More False Claims about Ukraine

“No amount of propaganda can make right something that the world knows is wrong.”  – President Obama, March 26 Russia continues to spin a false and dangerous...

“The Wolf who cried Fascist!” – Pathology of Russian Propaganda against Ukraine, pt. 2

Here you can read the second part of Brian Bryttan about Russian Propaganda against Ukraine. The original article can be found here. Also, you...

“The Wolf who cried Fascist!” – Pathology of Russian Propaganda against Ukraine, pt. 1

The F-word is almost entirely meaningless today. “Fascism” has mostly become a perjorative word, used as an insult – and a scare tactic by...

Opinion: President Putin’s Fiction. 10 False Claims About Ukraine recommends for reading an article by U.S. Department of State, published in their Dipnote Official Blog. This is thes. Presenting his own view,...

Crimea: Putin vs. Reality

This is the third installment in Timothy Snyder’s series on Russian ideology and the Ukrainian revolution. Earlier articles examined the Kremlin’s Eurasian ideology and...

Truth against Truth offers its readers an article by journalist Elizabeth Surganova published on on March, 7, 2014. This article is the personal opinion of...

Horrible mistakes Western media makes in Ukraine

" recommends for reading an article by Greg Satell, published in the American version of Forbes. Presenting his own view, the author debunks the...