Who Assassinated Prigozhin? Duh, the English
By Julia Davis, for CEPA
In the ethereal world of Russian state media, Vladimir Putin is never to blame for anything bad. Russia’s almost-emperor is above...
Putin’s Russia is trapped in genocidal denial over Ukrainian independence
By Mercedes Saluppo, for UkraineAlert
The first line of the Ukrainian national anthem is perhaps best translated as “Ukraine’s glory has not yet perished.” Written...
Russia and the Rocketmen
By Kseniya Kirillova, for CEPA
Russian extremist propaganda may reveal more about the regime’s weaknesses than it would wish.
Sometimes the audience is more interesting than...
Why Putin’s Russia cannot accept its borders
By Glenn Chafetz, John Sipher, for UkraineAlert
To understand Russia’s current obsession with Ukraine, it is important to recognize that Russia was never a state in...
Interview With AI Ethicist Dr. Benjamin Lange
By EUvsDisinfo
EUvsDisinfo: You are an ethicist working on AI and disinformation, among other things. What does that mean in practice? What does an ethicist...
Putin’s Credibility Rests on Shaky Ground
By Kseniya Kirillova, for CEPA
Vladimir Putin enjoys support across Russia, but his hold over his country isn’t as secure as it might first appear.
Propaganda and Repression Turn Against Their Creators in Russia
By Kseniya Kirillova, for Jamestown Foundation
Conflicts continue to mount among the various “Kremlin towers,” and lately a curious trend has become discernible: Those methods...
Putin’s Popular Support: A Miasma of Jew Hate and Fatalism
By Kseniya Kirillova, for CEPA
After more than 500 days, not a single goal of the “special operation” in Ukraine has been achieved, yet Russians...
Only Russia’s Military Defeat Can Kill the Cult of Putin
By Kseniya Kirillova, for CEPA
Despite efforts to portray the Russian president’s confusion and helplessness in the face of the rebels as signs of strength and resilience,...
Russian Think Tanks Enable the Kremlin’s Dangerous Delusions
By Kseniya Kirillova, for Jamestown Foundation
When it comes to Russian propaganda, it is important to remember the so-called “analytical centers” that constitute it, including...