Monday, March 17, 2025


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Center for Eurasian Strategic Intelligence, a fraudulent “hawkish” think tank

Anton Shekhovtsov's blog: Readers of this blog may have heard of the Center for Eurasian Strategic Intelligence (CESI) that seems to promote a "hawkish" view...

Russia’s War on Information

Russian President Vladimir Putin has nearly completed his purge of independent news media in Russia.  “This is not just a war of information,” says one keen...

The modus operandi of Putin’s Russia

The following text is compiled from excerpts of a speech given by Andrew Wilson at the conference, “Ukraine as a test for European solidarity?”,...

Putin’s Version of the Truth

On the German talk show Günther Jauch about Ukraine and Russia, a German foreign correspondent was allowed to explain why Russia’s annexation of Crimea was really...

Reporting on Russian television

The idea of censorship on Russian television misses the point. When it comes to reporting, loyalty takes precedence. Since the onset of the Ukraine conflict,...

Who’s afraid of Russia Today?

Is RT (formerly Russia Today) really as dangerous or as effective as its critics claim? Since Ukraine’s revolution forced President Viktor Yanukovych to flee the...

NATO-Russia relations: the facts

Since Russia began its illegal military intervention in Ukraine, Russian officials have accused NATO of a series of provocations, threats and hostile actions stretching...

Flight MH17: Will Russia Get Away With It?

Following the entry of more than 120 Russian military convoys into Ukraine last week, the US and its European allies appear to have reached...

Putin Has Non-Crazy Friends In Europe

Now that Europe is digging in for a protracted economic war on Russia, President Vladimir Putin desperately needs his sympathizers in the European Union...

The Ferguson Protests are Actually About Russia (According to the RuNet)

Late on Monday, a St. Louis County grand jury made the decision not to indict Darren Wilson, a Ferguson, Missouri police officer in the...