Tuesday, March 4, 2025


This article represents personal opinions of the author. Stopfake editors may not share this opinion.

Russian World

When a famous hunter Jim Corbett hunted down and shot the man-eating tigress that terrorized India and Nepal for years, killing over 430 people,...

The Media Has Swallowed Five Russian Myths That Have Helped Putin Win In Ukraine

The West’s latest round of sanctions against Russia and the fragile truce between Moscow and Kiev fails to alter the fact that the Kremlin...

Did This Ukrainian Soldier Prove Ukraine Shot Down MH17?

In the debate over who was responsible for the shooting down of flight MH17 in Ukraine on July 17th two different weapon systems have...

Russian Media Attack Belarus: A Warning For Minsk?

The past few weeks have seen an unusual increase of anti-Belarusian activity in pro-government Russian media and blogs. The Kremlin has not yet used its...

Russia’s Sub Rosa Statecraft

Spying, mole-planting, subversion, and financial arm-twisting are major components of Moscow’s new hybrid campaign against European democracies. The arrest of two Russian spies in Poland...

Top 5 Russian fake reports of 2014

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1xCng3CJRs This year has seen a flurry of false reports and outright lies about the crisis in Ukraine. Most of the stories have originated from...

War by media and the triumph of propaganda

Why has so much journalism succumbed to propaganda? Why are censorship and distortion standard practice? Why is the BBC so often a mouthpiece of...

Sergey Karaganov: The man behind Putin’s pugnacity

Sergey Karaganov breaks into a broad smile when asked why his two-decades-old ideas about Moscow “protecting” Russian speakers abroad are suddenly the centre of...

Center for Eurasian Strategic Intelligence, a fraudulent “hawkish” think tank

Anton Shekhovtsov's blog: Readers of this blog may have heard of the Center for Eurasian Strategic Intelligence (CESI) that seems to promote a "hawkish" view...

Russia’s War on Information

Russian President Vladimir Putin has nearly completed his purge of independent news media in Russia.  “This is not just a war of information,” says one keen...