Tuesday, March 18, 2025


This article represents personal opinions of the author. Stopfake editors may not share this opinion.

Russia fighting information wars with borrowed weapons

“Life would be boring without rumors.” So said Russian President Vladimir Putin, upon re-emerging from a mysterious ten-day disappearance, during which the internet exploded with...

Putin Winning by Exploitation of West’s Greatest Strength

Vladimir Putin’s success in exploiting Western weaknesses — divisions between those who lived under Soviet occupation and those who didn’t and between Europe as a whole as the United...

No Arab Spring in Russia, Yet

A lively debate has been under way for several years about the impact of the Internet on political life around the world. Some argue that the web enables opposition movements to get...

Detoxing Russia

Long after Boris Nemtsov’s killers are caught and Putin is gone, we’ll still be dealing with the legacy of the current media climate. As Russia...

The Guardian view on Russian propaganda: the truth is out there

Nietzsche said it first: “There are no facts, only interpretations.” But Vladimir Putin has perfected it into a political strategy. Within hours of opposition...

If Moscow TV Said Putin was a Criminal, Russians Would Soon Agree, Panfilov Says

Government-controlled television is such a dominant player in Russian life that if the TV didn’t show Putin for two weeks and in the third...

The West Is Ignoring Some Unpleasant Truths About Putin

At the beginning of the Ukraine crisis, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is said to have told U.S. President Barack Obama that Russian President Vladimir Putin was "in...

‘Out of My Mouth Comes Unimpeachable Manly Truth’

What he learned from watching a week of Russian TV, Gary Shteyngart wrote for The New York Times: On a cold, sunny New Year’s Eve...

Twitter Chatter About Putin and Poroshenko: The Language Breakdown

This article is part of a citizen-media data-analysis project, a collaboration between RuNet Echo and the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities. Explore...

Ukraine’s Lonely Cyberwarrior vs. Russia

He hacks Russian ministries and CCTV cameras in rebel areas, but Eugene Dokunin and his team are up against a horde of Russian trolls. KIEV...