Friday, March 7, 2025


This article represents personal opinions of the author. Stopfake editors may not share this opinion.

RussiaInsider Plus Three Top Kremlin Trolls

"This week I bring you @RussiaInsider and the top three #KremlinTrolls (@MarcelSardo, @mkj1951, and @Malinka1102), writes Andrew Aaron Weisburd on the website Kremlin trolls....

Russian Propaganda in American Media

The aspects of Russia’s hybrid warfare run wide. From trolls and bots online, to the propaganda-cum-media outlets of RT and Sputnik, to its myriad...

Selling Your Soul to Mr. Putin

The Kremlin’s propaganda machine has been disrupting public discourse in the European Union not only through media outlets like RT and Sputnik, but also by luring European...
Benjamin Bidder.

Information War: Russians ‘want to believe’ Kremlin disinformation

Spiegel Online Moscow correspondent Benjamin Bidder reflects on the journalistic challenges presented by infowar raging over Ukraine. Over the past eighteen months, German journalist Benjamin...

Russian propaganda wins EU hearts and minds

Kremlin media are shaping the views of a sizeable pro-Russia constituency in the EU, experts and officials warn. The numbers show, according to US pollster...

The U.S. Should Do More to Counter Putin’s Propaganda

Three Russian television stations interviewed Andrei Petkov from a hospital bed in Nikolaev, Ukraine, in April 2014. Rossia 1 described him, with a bandage on...

Peter Pomerantsev: Beyond Propaganda

How authoritarian regimes are learning to engineer human souls in the age of Facebook. This essay is adapted from the first in a series of publications by...

Russia’s Ministry Of Mind Reading

It's the urban legend that just won't die. It is usually raised by Russian officials when they want to back up claims that the United...

The Evolution of Anti-Americanism in Russia

The Levada Center, an independent Moscow-based polling group, has tracked Russian attitudes towards the United States since the early 1990s, with the occasional gaps...

Kremlin’s Top Five ‘Propaganda Myths, Fakes and Stupidities’ for the Past Week

As he does each week, Dmitry Bukovsky of Kyiv’s “Delovaya stolitsa” compiles a list of “the top five propaganda myths, fakes, and stupidities” for...