Wednesday, March 19, 2025


This article represents personal opinions of the author. Stopfake editors may not share this opinion.

We’re all Putin’s ‘useful idiots’

Watching Russian TV recently is a disturbing business. As Stephen Ennis at BBC Monitoring has painstakingly recorded, Russian media has developed a habit of...

West should launch counterattack in war with Russia

Russian propaganda influences not only Russia's neighbours but also the European Union, writes Grigory Mesezhnikov, the director of the Slovakia-based Institute for Public Affairs,...

“Separatism” in Lviv – For Money and Russian Propaganda

Western leaders putting pressure on Ukraine to accede to Russian demands and offer the so-called ‘Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics’ autonomy would be well-advised...

An Open Letter to Russia’s Silent National TV Networks

Almost two dozen Russian soldiers died on July 13, when part of a military barracks in  suddenly collapsed. The men who perished in the...

MH17 anniversary: In Russia, conspiracy theories on downed plane still find believers

Days after the MH17 crash, independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta seemed to have little doubt as to who was responsible. "Forgive us, Netherlands," was the...

Russia, the BUK-M1 Missile, and MH17

July 17, 2005, was the one-year anniversary of the downing Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 over the Donbass area of eastern Ukraine. On this anniversary,...

British Citizen Exposed as a Tool of Russia’s FSB

Infamous British blogger Graham Phillips, who has concocted numerous pro-Kremlin reports for Russian propaganda media outlets — particularly for RT and Russia's military outlet Zvezda  — in eastern Ukraine, has been...

Most Russians Don’t Know a Foreign Language, Isolating Themselves and Thus Exposed to Kremlin...

Russians lack direct access to what is happening in other countries and thus are prepared to believe what pro-Kremlin media say not because of...

Russian Media Continue Presenting Car Insurance Salesman as Renowned Political Analyst

StopFake has already written about the New York car insurance salesman who became a political analyst in pro-Kremlin media. His opinions have been featured...

There is No ‘Hybrid War’ in Ukraine, Only a Real One, Felshtinsky Says

One of Moscow’s greatest propaganda successes has been its ability to convince even its opponents in Kyiv and Western capitals to speak of what...