Sunday, March 9, 2025


This article represents personal opinions of the author. Stopfake editors may not share this opinion.

Op-Ed: Voice of America in intellectual twilight zone against Putin

U.S. taxpayer-funded Voice of America (VOA) turned its back on famous British-American historian of Soviet crimes Robert Conquest. The Voice of America, one of America's...

‘Virtual Civil War’ Going on in Russia Today, Moscow Sociologist Says

Only 25 to 30 percent of Russians actively profession Putin’s national-patriotic ideology, but far fewer, ten to 15 percent are “convinced liberals, Leonty Byzov...

Putin’s News Network of Lies Is Just the Start

When the Berlin Wall fell, the Western world stopped thinking about how to explain and promote its political system in Russia and around the...

Why Has Putin Spared Ekho Moskvy? (Op-Ed)

Why hasn't President Vladimir Putin shut down Ekho Moskvy, often described as the "last bastion of free media in Russia?" And more importantly, will he do it? The riddle of Ekho...

The World Hates Russia. Russia Hates It Back

Russian President Vladimir Putin's propaganda targeted at audiences outside Russia doesn't work, but neither will any Western counter-efforts directed at Russians. A new report from...

Everybody Loves Volodya

With Putin’s approval ratings sky-high, have even his critics changed their minds – or have they just found the door? Analysts in the West are...

Putin Is Losing a Nasty Food Fight

Russian President Vladimir Putin has mounted a new campaign in his propaganda war with the West: The highly publicized destruction of imported food, which...

Robert Conquest and the need for the courage to illuminate the truth

At least 40 years ago, back when the Soviet Union still existed and the Berlin Wall still stood, the KGB searched the apartment of...

Western Media Must Get Creative in Infowar

Events in Ukraine over the past 17 months have focused world attention on the extraordinary efforts made by Russia to subvert media narratives and...

Pro-Russian disinformation mainly focused on undermining West, says report author Ivana Smoleňová

A number of media outlets in this part of the world are spreading pro-Kremlin propaganda with a view to undermining faith in Western institutions....