Thursday, March 20, 2025


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Debunking the fake article on 2000 Russian soldiers killed in Donbas everyone fell for

Several days ago WarInUkraine team saw the following text on a website The article talks of a Russian Government decree to compensate the families...

Dmitry Glukhovsky: Everything Is Possible

Rustem Adagamov tweeted this post by Dmitry Glukhovsky earlier today and it’s worth taking note of. Глуховский о том, как путинская пропаганда смогла оболванить русских...

Putin’s Magnificent Messaging Machine

By pretending to be real news, RT is much better than your grandfather’s Soviet propaganda. In trying to create a likeness of Soviet power, Vladimir...

Truth Out of Fashion

My copy of “Harvest of Sorrow”, inscribed with some kind remarks by the author, is one of my most treasured possessions. Robert Conquest, who...

Doves on Ukraine, From Right and Left

It's unusual to see a longtime Republican agree with a near-Communist about any issue. Yet Henry Kissinger and Jeremy Corbyn, the leading candidate to...

Edward Lucas: Russia Has Published Books I Didn’t Write!

A dodgy imprint has compiled old material by several U.S. and British analysts, without their permission. The aim is pro-Putin spin. A new foreign-language edition...

The Soviet Playbook in Ukraine

It appears that Russian President Vladimir Putin is losing the war in Ukraine. Gone are the talks about seizing so-called Novorossiya — the strip...

Putin Creates a Fantasyland

‘Where is Garry Kasparov?” asked many Russians recently, when they discovered that the famed chess player was missing from the new edition of a...

Will the Burning of Food Lead to a “Conflagration” of Russia?

For nearly a week now, food products that fall under sanctions have been destroyed in Russia. Obviously, such a decision has provoked massive dissatisfaction among...

Soviets Only Censored Reality; Putin Creates an Alternative One, Ikhlov Says

Many people assume that Vladimir Putin is simply restoring the Soviet propaganda system, but that is not the case, Yevgeny Ikhlov argues. Instead, and...