Friday, March 14, 2025


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To keep himself in power, Putin has created an off-putting ‘State of Fools,’ Yakovenko...

By Paul Goble, Window on Eurasia “By his planned cleansing of the political field of Russia” of anyone who might challenge him, Vladimir Putin has...

Putin feels a kinship with Stalin and Ivan the Terrible, Eidman says

By Paul Goble, Window on Eurasia Vladimir Putin “defends Ivan the Terrible and Stalin ‘from excessive demonization’ because unconsciously he feels himself” to share with...

Jim Kovpak: Double Feature. Potential Russia grifter foiled

By Jim Kovpak, Russia Without BS How tragic it is when a young, budding Russia grifter attempts to leave the nest an falls like a...

Baltic Forest Brothers did in 1940s what Russians did in 1991 – they fought...

By Paul Goble, Window on Eurasia The Kremlin-orchestrated attack on the Forest Brothers in the Baltic countries in the 1940s and on a NATO film...

Jim Kovpak: Talking to a Brick Wall

By Jim Kovpak, Russia Without BS Since Trump’s election, Russian state TV has had a bizarre relationship with the man. Still full of hatred for...

Putinist Fascism Not an Ideology but Rather a Set of Criminal ‘Understandings,’ Yakovenko Says

By Paul Goble, Window on Eurasia Vladimir Putin’s fascism, the first “post-modern” fascism, is able to include under its banner so many radically different people...

Lavrov, Donbass and the Duties of Translation

By Michele A. Berdy, for The Moscow Times Ввязаться: to meddle, get involved , get entangled, take on A couple of weeks ago Foreign Minister Sergei...

Russia without BS: Words that should die

By Jim Kovpak, Russia Without BS Hybrid Ever since 2014 we’ve constantly been hearing about “hybrid warfare,” which comes with the implication that this is some...

Russia Without BS: The Awakening

By Jim Kovpak, Russia Without BS As I’ve said and written numerous times, when I started this blog it wasn’t intended to be political. The...

The Daily Vertical: Telling The Truth About The Donbas (Transcript)

By Brian Whitmore, for RFERL Has the Kremlin finally decided to stop denying that its military is fighting in eastern Ukraine? Is Moscow finally abandoning the...