Saturday, March 15, 2025


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The Russian subversion of the defense system of Bulgaria – an enabler for “state...

By Mihail Naydenov, for Bulgaria Analytica Hybrid war is not declared. It is being fought, instead. This is the essence of the strategy of today’s...

State memory: 1917 and Russian memory politics

By Manfred Sapper, Volker Weichsel, for Eurozine ‘Russian memory politics represses both the utopia and the violence. It wants neither to know about the perpetrators...

The Daily Vertical: Putin’s Hybrid Repression (Transcript)

By Brian Whitmore, for RFE/RL Vladimir Putin made all the right noises yesterday when he spoke at the opening of the Wall of Sorrow, a...

Edward Lucas: The Kremlin’s 20 toxic tactics

By Edward Lucas, for CEPA Human weakness means we find it is easier to admire problems than to solve them, to focus on the dangers...

Aleksandr Podrabinek: The American authorities have grounds for what they are doing

By  Rights in Russia In revenge for the misfortunes of Russia Today and Sputnik in the USA, the Kremlin has decided to hit back at...

The Daily Vertical: Correcting History In Lithuania (Transcript)

By Brian Whitmore, for RFE/RL The battle over history is about more than just history. The struggle over memory is about more than memory. Correcting the historical...

Moscow’s ‘Sleepers’ TV Serial a Disturbing Wake Up Call for Russians, Kirillova Says

By Paul Goble, Window on Eurasia A new Russian television series, “The Sleepers,” which suggests the CIA is behind murders and terrorist acts in Russia...

The Daily Vertical: Farewell, Russian World (Transcript)

By Brian Whitmore, for RFE/RL Just one more sign that ethnicity and language don't necessarily translate into political loyalty. Just one more signal that Moscow's grip...

Putin TV Not about Propaganda but about Dehumanizing Its Viewers, Yakovenko Says

By Paul Goble, for Window on Eurasia It is long past time calling “the content of Russia media propaganda,” Igor Yakovenko says. Propaganda is about...

Watch out: Russia’s tactics will evolve

Belated, partial and out of date: that, broadly, is the West’s reaction to the menace from Russia. By Edward Lucas, for CEPA The belated is merely annoying;...