Does Europe have a digital future?
By Dr. Alina Polyakova. for CEPA
On February 19, the European Commission published the first installment of its long-anticipated digital strategy — a white paper...
Reflections from Munich: The West is not defenseless in protecting democracy
By Edward Lucas, for CEPA
Munich Security Conference is an intimidating venue to launch a new
idea. The participants are among the most important...
Disecting Putinist agitprop: agitation, propaganda, and division
By Janusz Bugajski, for CEPA
Moscow has a long history of disseminating disinformation to soften up its targets and achieve specific political goals....
”Disinformation aims at undermining democracy”
By EU vs Disinfo
EU Commission Vice-President Věra Jourová at the Opening of EU vs Disinfo Conference
Last week, international experts on countering disinformation gathered...
How YouTube supports elections
By Leslie Miller, for YouTube blog
As the 2020 election season kicks into high gear in the United States, people will visit YouTube to learn...
Building rules in public: Twitter’s approach to synthetic & manipulated media
By Yoel Roth and Ashita Achuthan, for Twitter blog
It’s our responsibility to create rules on Twitter that are fair and set clear expectations for everyone on...
Disinformation is more than fake news
By Jared Cohen, for Jigsaw blog
Jigsaw’s work requires forecasting the most urgent threats facing the internet, and wherever we traveled these past years —...
Coronavirus coverage shows how epidemics can spread racism
By Jonathan Corpus Ong, Gideon Lasco, for Open Democracy
More needs to be done to stop the harmful stereotypes that surface during outbreaks. ...
“Without the propaganda, the killing of my father would not have been possible”
By EU vs Disinfo
Zhanna Nemtsova is a Russian journalist and the founder of the Boris Nemtsov Foundation,
which is named after her father, the opposition...
Edward Lucas: The Kremlin’s way
By Edward Lucas, for CEPA
In Russia, All Power Leads to Putin
Switzerland and Russia have few similarities. But one of them is that that the...