Monday, March 10, 2025


This article represents personal opinions of the author. Stopfake editors may not share this opinion.

Stanisław Żaryn: Dangerous “bypassing”

By Stanisław Żaryn, for StopFake The recent increase by the Kremlin of military pressure on Ukraine has been propped up by an intense hostile propaganda...

Putin’s Game: What Just Happened?

By Kurt Volker, for CEPA Putin gave nothing, achieved everything he wanted, and the door remains open to more. Approximately three weeks ago, Russia suddenly embarked...

Disinformation Means Treating A Deadly Disease With Vodka And A Tractor

By EU vs Disinfo Journalists talk about and against disinformation. Part 1: Belarus Credible journalism is at the core of a democratic society. On the World Press...

Lt-Gen Ben Hodges on the Future of Hybrid Warfare

By Ben Hodges, for CEPA An Interview with Lt-Gen Ben Hodges LTG (Ret.) Ben Hodges served in the U.S. Army for 38 years, culminating in his...

Types and Tactics of Russian “Information Operations”

By Kseniya Kirillova, for CBAP When speaking of Russian propaganda, it is important to keep in mind its main difference from Western counterparts. Along with...

‘Russian Propaganda has Become Indistinguishable from Its Soviet Predecessor,’ Loshak Says

By Paul Goble, Window on Eurasia Moscow’s handling of the case of Aleksey Navalny is so similar to the ways in which Soviet officials dealt...

Is Putin about to launch a new offensive in Ukraine?

By Peter Dickinson, for UkraineAlert Russia has sparked alarm in Ukraine and throughout the international community in recent days by massing its armed forces close...

How YouTube Helps Fund Kremlin Allies and Evade Sanctions

By Ben Dubow, for CEPA YouTube is in business with Russia’s leading disinformation outlets and it’s proving extremely profitable for both. On November 5, 2015, Metro...

Disinformation Response — the Critical Early Hours

By Thomas Kent, for CEPA What to do when a sudden event happens, facts are lacking and disinformation starts to spread? On the morning of January...

Fake news: people with greater emotional intelligence are better at spotting misinformation

By Tony Anderson, David James Robertson, for The Conversation The spread of misinformation – in the form of unsubstantiated rumour and intentionally deceitful propaganda –...