Stopping the Countdown to Russian Invasion
By Kurt Volker, for CEPA
Russia’s unacceptable demands to the United States and NATO make a new invasion into Ukraine more likely. It is time...
Memo to the international media: Putin has already invaded Ukraine
By Peter Dickinson, for UkraineAlert
One of the more depressing features of the latest Russian military build-up on the Ukrainian border has been the proliferation...
Fuel for further aggression
By Stanisław Żaryn, for StopFake
Poland was against the construction of Nord Stream 2 from the very beginning, pointing to the strictly political significance of...
Let Slip the Thoughts of War
By Ben Dubow, for CEPA
Russia’s psychological preparations for war in Ukraine have been years in the making. They just passed a new threshold.
“What is...
Ukraine: Putin’s Dangerous Illusion
By Kseniya Kirillova, for CEPA
Putin’s world view is based on an illusion but past experience makes him hope an irresolute US will buy him off at...
Communism for Russia and Conservatism for Export
By Kseniya Kirillove, for CEPA
President Vladimir Putin’s propagandists are seeking to lure Western citizens into an alliance of supposedly conservative values.
President Vladimir Putin’s propagandists are seeking to lure Western citizens into an...
Ukraine Will Fight, and Ukraine Will Be Right
By Olga Tokariuk, for CEPA
Ukrainians will resist Russian aggression. The only question is whether the West will help.
Ukraine is growing stronger by the day,...
Russia Plays the Antisemitic Card in Ukraine
By Stephen Blank, for CEPA
An extraordinary and hateful essay has revealed the malignancy in the hearts of Kremlin policymakers.
Russia’s rage at and frustration with Ukraine has become...
Putin Threatens a Dark, Cold European Winter
By Ben Hodges, Julian Lindley-French, for CEPA
“A transition from sequential and concentrated actions to continuous and distributed ones, conducted simultaneously in all spheres of...
A Dictator In Panic Forces Belarus To Live In Fear
By EU vs Disinfo
An illegitimate president in panic forces the Belarusian people to live in fear. The repression is tightening, but the regime’s desperate...