Sunday, March 9, 2025


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Why Vladimir Putin is losing the information war to Ukraine

By Anders Åslund, for UkraineAlert Vladimir Putin has long enjoyed a reputation as a master of information warfare. Over the past decade, his weaponization of...

Reaching Russians: None So Deaf as Those Who Won’t Hear

By Kseniya Kirillova, for CEPA Attempts to counter Putin’s disinformation machine will need to be carefully calibrated for Russians fed on a diet of lies. Imagine...

Edward Lucas: Fog of War

By Edward Lucas, for CEPA Western experts echo the Kremlin’s rewriting of history Bombs and artillery shells rain down on Ukraine. So too do the invincible...

Kseniya Kirillova: Why are Russians supportive of the war?

By Kseniya Kirillova, for Defence Express At the moment, it is sure sad that the majority of the Russian population supports the war in Ukraine....

Putin Is Losing the War, but Russians Have Stockholm Syndrome

By Kseniya Kirillova, for Jamestown Foundation After two weeks of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, the majority of Russian society apparently still supports the aggression....

It’s Xenophobia Week at the Russian Movies

By Sergej Sumlenny, for CEPA With thousands of Russians protesting against Vladimir Putin’s war of aggression in Ukraine, movie theaters are reinforcing government-approved themes. Russian movie...

Themis Is Blind, However, She Is Prepared To Listen: Deconstruction Of The Main Russian...

By Povilas Venciūnas, for Evolution Although the Russian government's propaganda and constructed narratives justifying its acts of war were previously known, they are now the...

Kseniya Kirillova: How Far Is Putin Willing to Go?

By Kseniya Kirillova, for CEPA The war in Ukraine becomes more and more dangerous for humanity. It is obvious that Putin is ready to seize his...

A love letter to Ukraine

by Ariana Gic and Roman Sohn Dear Ukraine, We love you! We are with you! We support you! Your courageous fight against Russian forces is the stuff of...

Switch to Mute on Kremlin Blackmail

By Kseniya Kirillova, for CEPA The Kremlin has once again demonstrated that blackmail is its weapon of choice in dealings with the West. When Russia’s current...