Putin’s Guards Butchers
On April 18, 2022, Vladimir Putin awarded the rank of "Guards" to the 64th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Russian Army. On March...
Stanisław Żaryn: Kremlin’s disinformation front
By Stanisław Żaryn, for StopFake
“Bucha massacre is a fake news invented against Russia”, “Russia is engaged in humanitarian aid for Ukraine’s inhabitants”, “Russian troops...
The False God of Tsar Vladimir
By Walter Clemens, for CEPA
The notion with “God is with us,” Gott mit uns, has been part of Vladimir Putin’s Russian nationalist revival, a...
Edward Lucas: The Art of the Possible
By Edward Lucas, for CEPA
Ukraine’s suffering stokes guilt — and, eventually, action
The consensus was stifling. This war is none of the West’s business. The causes...
Timothy Snyder: Russia’s Genocide Handbook
By Timothy Snyder
Russia has just issued a genocide handbook for its war on Ukraine. The Russian official press agency "RIA Novosti" published last Sunday...
Edward Lucas: Escape Room
By Edward Lucas, for CEPA
As reality bites, the Russian leader’s only options are bad ones
Within the next five weeks, Vladimir Putin must contrive something...
Putin’s Truth-Twisters and Non-War in Ukraine
By Kseniya Kirillova, for CEPA
Russia’s use of violence against Ukrainian civilians is worsening, something distorted by ever-more cynical propaganda.
Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine, which...
Putin Faces the Gambler’s Dilemma
By Kseniya Kirillova, for CEPA
Russia’s President rolled the dice with his Ukraine invasion. Domestic support, currently at high levels, is about to wane and...
Putin’s Soviet Nostalgia: Time to Get Serious
By Olga Lautman, for CEPA
The war in Ukraine is not about Ukraine, it’s about one man’s desire to return to the past. NATO must...
Vladimir Putin’s criminal war has killed the myth of Russian-Ukrainian unity
By Alexander Khrebet, for UkraineAlert
The Russian invasion of Ukraine was meant to secure Vladimir Putin’s place in history and reunify what Moscow views as the...