Tuesday, March 18, 2025


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Russia’s War Against Ukraine “Affects People Even Far Away From The Battlefield”

By EU vs Disinfo Case by case, year after year, Ukraine’s Center for Civil Liberties (CCL) has been painstakingly documenting crimes committed by Russian forces...

Kseniya Kirillova: Whisper it — Russia Begins to Discuss Defeat

We need to be prepared to talk with the Russians about the consequences of the war. By Kseniya Kirillova, for CEPA Despite the massive attacks on...

Edward Lucas: Troubled Bridge Over Stolen Waters

By Edward Lucas, for CEPA Once a trophy, now a trap. The attack on the Kerch Straits Bridge this week makes every Russian living on...

Memo to Elon Musk: Only Ukrainian victory can stop Vladimir Putin

By Doug Klain, for UkraineAlert Ukraine should get real and agree to a ceasefire with Russia. An uncomfortable peace is better than continuing this horrific...

Referendum coverage proves media is still vulnerable to Russian disinformation

By Peter Dickinson, for UkraineAlert According to the Kremlin, millions of Ukrainian civilians who have been subjected to seven months of brutal Russian occupation just...

Weaponizing education: Russia targets schoolchildren in occupied Ukraine

By Oleksandr Pankieiev, for UkraineAlert Ukraine began a new academic year on September 1 with the country still engaged in a fight for survival against Russia’s...

The Bewilderment of Kremlin Propagandists

By Olga Lautman, for CEPA The reaction to Russia’s defeats in Ukraine proves the old adage that victory has a hundred fathers, but defeat is...

Muzzling the Watchdogs: Russia’s Media Crackdown

By Aliide Naylor, for CEPA Vladimir Putin says a former journalist’s 22-year sentence for alleged treason is “fair.” The Russian leader’s comments came on September 7,...

Russia’s self-defeating invasion: Why Vladimir Putin has lost Ukraine forever

By Taras Kuzio, for Atlantic council Russia’s genocidal invasion of Ukraine was meant to extinguish Ukrainian statehood and eradicate Ukrainian identity. Instead, it is turbocharging the...

Chinese Influence in Bulgaria

By Ruslan Stefanov, for CEPA This report is a part of #CCPinCEE, a series of reports published by the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) analyzing Chinese...