Thursday, March 6, 2025


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Lessons from the Cuban Missile Crisis: Putin is no Khrushchev

By Harlan Ullman, for UkraineAlert Whether history rhymes or not, with war raging in Ukraine and Russian pundits threatening direct nuclear attacks against the US,...

Putin’s invasion has strengthened the case for Ukrainian NATO membership

By Taras Kuzio, for UkraineAlert Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has underlined the security threat posed by the continued existence of a geopolitical gray zone on...

Putin’s peace ploy is a ruse to rearm

By Dennis Soltys, for UkraineAlert With Russia now clearly losing the war in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is seeking a return to the negotiating table. For more...

Can the Kremlin Capture Russia’s Restless Ultra-Nationalists?

By Kseniya Kirillova, for CEPA Putin’s chef may once again be seeking to extend his remit. Russian opposition media suggests that Evgeny Prigozhin, the mercenary company...

Kremlin Analysts Call for Killing of Political Emigrants Abroad

By Kseniya Kirillova, for Jamestown Foundation As his war against Ukraine falters, and against the backdrop of Ukrainian forces’ liberation of Kherson, Russian President Vladimir Putin...

NATO, Nazis, Satanists: Putin is running out of excuses for his imperial war

By Peter Dickinson, for UkraineAlert Why did Vladimir Putin invade Ukraine? The answer to this question really depends on when you’re asking. In the months...

Infantilism and Sacrifice: Why Russians Go to War Even When They Disagree With It

By Kseniya Kirillova, for Jamestown Foundation The Russian authorities have seriously embraced the ideological indoctrination of children through “patriotic propaganda” to guarantee their unwavering loyalty...

Russia — The World Hates Us

By Ben Dubow, for CEPA Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has now earned a spot on Russia’s list of terrorist organizations, alongside the Taliban, the...

Putin’s failing Ukraine invasion proves Russia is no superpower

By Taras Kuzio, for UkraineAlert For centuries, Russia has seen itself as one of the world’s great powers. This superpower status was somewhat sullied by...

Freedom Calling — Cold War Radio, Then and Now

By Mark G. Pomar, for CEPA By making free discussion a criminal offense, the Soviet and Putin regimes have opened the war for US and...