Fake: Robert Kiyosaki Calls Financial Aid to Ukraine Pointless Says Bloomberg
The story is fake. Bloomberg has not published any such stories on its website or in its social media. Robert Kiyosaki has never publicly...
Fake: NATO to Occupy Arctic And Ukraine During Steadfast Defender 2024
No NATO country has ever attacked another state under the guise of military exercises. Only Russia is famous for this, and it was in...
Fake: 64% of Rapes in Germany Are Committed by Ukrainian Men, Says German Internal...
The video cited by the propagandists was fabricated, and the statistics are not true. This was confirmed by a representative of the German Internal...
Fake: Foundation Belonging to Zelenskyi’s Wife Scammed the United Arab Emirates Government
Evacuation ambulances provided to Ukraine by the UAE government have been handed over to medics and will be used in regions most in need...
Fighting disinformation in Central Europe: StopFake’s best practices
Following the invasion, disinformation and propaganda perpetrated by Russia intensified dramatically. The overflow of disinformation narratives discrediting Ukraine’s right to freedom and statehood increasingly...
Fake: Ukrainian Greek Catholics Exempt from Mobilization
This statement is untrue. According to Ukrainian legislation, religious beliefs do not release a person from the duty to defend the state in wartime.
Manipulation: 700 Ukrainian Prosecutors Received Combatant Status During the Full-Scale War
The information that 700 prosecutors received the combatant status is not credible and has nothing to do with Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine or...
Fake: Estonia Admits Effectiveness of Russian Air Strikes on Ukraine
Estonian intelligence officials have not made such statements. According to the Estonian intelligence services, the increasingly frequent shelling of Ukraine's infrastructure is evidence of...
Fake: Ukraine Spent $1.2 billion on Fake Production in 2023 – BBC
This video was fabricated, and the information about the "BBC investigation" was fictitious. The attackers deliberately used the BBC logo and its design for...
Russian Influence in Latin America: Measuring Digital Latin American Public Opinion
This research by Valerie Senger and Jacob P. Basseches (Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service) deals with Russian...