Sunday, September 8, 2024

Factcheck for Facebook_EN

Fake: Ukraine Was Preparing to Attack Belarus

Ukraine’s Armed Forces are not planning, have never planned and never will plan any aggressive operations against Belarus, Ukraine’s Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov declared....

Fake: Ukraine Cuts Chornobyl Power Lines, Refuses to Repair Them

Ukraine is ready to begin repairs at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant at any moment, Russia, however, is preventing this. The IAEA and the...

Fake: Bat Coronavirus Experiments Conducted in Ukrainian Biolabs

The topic of secret biological laboratories in Ukraine concocting all manner of weapon and scourge are a favorite theme of the Kremlin propaganda machine....

Videofake: Report on Civilian Casualties in Ukraine Staged

A video from a February 4 Austrian protest performance against climate change that has no connection to the war in Ukraine has been used...

Fake: Ukrainian Military Hid Ammunition at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, Tried to Attack...

It is Russia and its invading army that attacked the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. This terrorist act carried out by Russian troops against a...

Fake: Ukrainian Army Responsible for Shelling Mariupol Children’s Hospital

Russian troops intentionally fired on Mariupol’s children’s Hospital №3, injuring 17 pregnant women. Claims that Russians carried out a targeted air strike on Mariupol’s...

Fake: 2.5 Million Ukrainians Asking To Be Evacuated to Russia

According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, some Ukrainians are evacuating to Russia but not in the high numbers that Russian media claim....

Fake: Ukraine Was Preparing to Create Nuclear Weapons

Ukraine currently has no nuclear weapons, and the international community has never recorded any attempts on the part of Ukraine to develop them. Nevertheless,...

Fake: Russia Not Using Conscripts in Ukraine War

The Russian Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers has received many calls from parents of conscripts who have lost contact with their children since the start...

Fake: Shops Looted, Civilians Shot After Ukraine Arms Civilians

There is no evidence of civilian killings or robberies committed by Ukraine’s Territorial Defense units. However, there is ample documentary evidence of civilian killings...